Selamat datang di Global Publikasiana! Website yang akan membantu kamu dalam mengembangkan publikasi jurnal nasional dan internasional. Pada artikel kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Daftar Jurnal Internasional yang terindeks Scopus.
Untuk kamu yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai rekomendasi jurnal internasional Scopu, kamu dapat menyimak pembahasannnya berikut ini
Daftar Jurnal Internasional
Berikut kami paparkan dalam bentuk tabel daftar jurnal internasional terindeks scopus:
No | Nama Jurnal | Publisher | Scopus |
1 | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Engg Journals Publications | Q3,2015 |
2 | Asian Journal of Applied Sciences | Science Alert | Q3, 2015 |
3 | Asian Journal of Scientific Research | Science Alert | Q3,2015 |
4 | Journal of Software Engineering | Science Alert | Q3,2015 |
5 | Asian Journal of Information Technology | Medwell Pub | Q4, 2015 |
6 | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Medwell Pub | Q2, 2015 |
7 | International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application | Medwell Pub | Q3, 2015 |
8 | Research Journal of Applied Sciences | Medwell Pub | Q4, 2015 |
9 | International Journal of Imaging and Robotics | CESER Publications | Q3, Q4, 2015 |
10 | International Journal of Tomography & Simulation | CESER Publications | Q2, Q3, 2014 |
11 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics | CESER Publications | Q4, 2014 |
12 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | CESER Publications | Q2, 2015 |
13 | International Journal of Mobile Communications | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q1, 2015 |
14 | International Journal of Electronic Healthcare | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q4, 2015 |
15 | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q2, Q3, 2015 |
16 | International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q4, 2015 |
17 | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q3, 2015 |
18 | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q4, Q3, 2015 |
19 | International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q3, Q4, 2014 |
20 | International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | Q4, 2015 |
21 | Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Suceava | Q2, Q3 2015 |
22 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | Research India Publications | Q4, 2015 |
23 | International Journal of Online Engineering | Kassel University Press GmbH | Q2, 2015 |
24 | Telkomnika | IAES | Q3, 2015 |
25 | International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems | IAES | Q3, 2015 |
26 | International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics | The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung | Q3, 2015 |
27 | Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Q4, 2015 |
28 | International Journal of Technology | Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia | Q4, 2015 |
29 | Journal of Computer Science | Science Publication | Q3, 2015 |
30 | American Journal of Applied Sciences | Science Publication | Q2, 2015 |
31 | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | | Q3, 2015 |
32 | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Little Lion Scientific Islamabad Pakistan. | Q3,Q4, 2015 |
33 | IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | International Association of Engineers | Q2, 2015 |
34 | Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering | National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan | Q2,Q3, 2015 |
35 | IET Biometrics | The Institution of Engineering and Technology. | Q1,Q2, 2015 |
36 | IET Electrical Systems in Transportation | The Institution of Engineering and Technology. | Q1, 2015 |
37 | International Journal of Control and Automation | Science And Engineering Research Support Society | Q4, 2015 |
38 | International Journal of Smart Home | Science And Engineering Research Support Society | Q3, 2015 |
39 | International Journal of Security and Its Applications | Science And Engineering Research Support Society | Q3, 2015 |
40 | International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering | Science And Engineering Research Support Society | Q3, 2015 |
41 | International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications | Science And Engineering Research Support Society | Q3, 2015 |
42 | International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology | Science And Engineering Research Support Society | Q3, Q4 2015 |
43 | Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry | Dovepress | Q2, Q3 2015 |
44 | International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) | IGI Global publishing | Q4, 2015 |
45 | International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI) | IGI Global publishing | Q4,Q5 2015 |
46 | International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence | IGI Global publishing | Q4, 2015 |
47 | International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems | IGI Global publishing | Q4, 2015 |
48 | International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) | IGI Global publishing | Q4, 2015 |
49 | International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications | IGI Global publishing | Q4, 2015 |
50 | International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach | IGI Global publishing | Q4, 2015 |
53 | International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) | Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST), Pakistan | Q2, Q3 2015 |
52 | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | American Scientific Publishers | Q4 2015 |
53 | Advanced Science Letters | American Scientific Publishers | Q3, Q4 2015 |
54 | Journal of Information and Communication Technology | Universiti Utara Malaysia Press | Q3, Q4 2015 |
55 | Internetworking Indonesia Journal | Internetworking | Q4, 2015 |
56 | Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology | Maxwell Scientific Organization | Q4, 2015 |
57 | Journal of Convergence Information Technology | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Cente | Q4 2015 |
58 | Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis | Centre de Visio per Computador | Q4, 2015 |
59 | Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering | Japan Soc. of Med. Electronics and Biol. Engineering | Q4 2015 |
60 | JESTEC (Journal of Engineering Science and Technology) | Taylor’s University, Malaysia | Q3 2015 |
61 | Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Editura Universiti din Oradea, Romania | Q3 2015 |
62 | Journal of Applied Sciences | Asian Network for Scientific Information | Q3 2015 |
63 | Information Technology Journal | Asian Network for Scientific Information | Q4 2015 |
64 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Asian Network for Scientific Information | Q4 2015 |
Ciri-ciri Jurnal Terindeks Scopus
Namun, kriteria ini hanya berlaku di tingkat nasional, sehingga ada kemungkinan Anda menemukan persyaratan yang berbeda terkait jurnal internasional dari luar negeri.
1. Telah Memiliki Publikasi Online
Salah satu ciri jurnal internasional adalah telah dipublikasikan secara online. Artinya, artikel di jurnal tersebut harus tersedia secara online, biasanya dalam format PDF.
Menerbitkan jurnal secara online memperluas jangkauan pembaca, karena jurnal internasional harus dapat diakses oleh siapa saja di seluruh dunia.
2. Menggunakan Bahasa Resmi PBB (Bahasa Internasional)
Jurnal internasional wajib menggunakan bahasa resmi yang diakui oleh PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa), seperti Mandarin, Spanyol, Prancis, Rusia, dan Inggris.
3. Editorial Board Minimal dari 4 Negara Berbeda dan Berpengalaman di Bidangnya
Editorial Board dalam jurnal internasional harus berasal dari minimal 4 negara berbeda. Setiap anggota dewan juga harus memiliki keahlian yang relevan di bidangnya.
Jika Editorial Board tidak terdiri dari pakar di bidangnya, maka jurnal tersebut mungkin termasuk jurnal predator.
4. Artikel Harus Mengikuti Etika Keilmuan dan Kaidah Ilmiah
Untuk dianggap sebagai jurnal internasional, artikel di dalamnya harus ditulis dengan mengikuti etika keilmuan dan kaidah ilmiah.
Jika Anda menemukan artikel yang tidak memenuhi kaidah ilmiah, itu berarti bukan jurnal ilmiah, melainkan karya tulis populer, majalah, dan lainnya. Jurnal internasional harus berdasarkan bukti (evidence-based), bukan sekadar opini.
Penulis di Satu Edisi Harus dari Setidaknya 2 Negara Berbeda
Untuk setiap edisi jurnal, penulis yang berkontribusi harus berasal dari setidaknya 2 negara yang berbeda.
Akhir Kata
Mungkin itu saja yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai Daftar Jurnal Internasional. Semoga informasi tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
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