Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Scopus

Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Scopus

Scopus adalah salah satu layanan indeksasi dan sebuah database atau pusat data jurnal internasional terpopuler didunia yang berada dibawah naungan perusahaan Elsevier.

Perusahaan Elsevier memiliki lokasi di Amsterdam, Belanda, dan telah berdiri sejak tahun 1880.

Selain itu, perlu kamu ketahui juga bahwa saat ini Scopus telah mengindeks lebih dari 22.000 judul jurnal dari 5000 penerbit.

Sekitar 20.000 artikel yang telah berhasil terindeks scopus adalah artike peer-reviewed.

Tak hanya menampilkan karya tulis ilmiah, Scopus juga memberikan data hak paten dari berbagai penelitian dari seluruh dunia.

Scopus juga memiliki sebuah menyediakan layanan untuk menilai sebauah jurnal berdampak signifikan atau tidak dalam ilmu pengetahuan dunia.

Perlu kamu ketahui, terdapat alasan yang menjadikan Scopus cukup terkenal di Indonesia.

Jika seorang dosen yang memiliki jurnal dan terindeks oleh Scopus, maka hal ini dianggap sebagai jurnal yang berkualitas tinggi dan telah diakui secara internasional sehingga jurnal tersebut layak dijadikan sebuah referensi, sitasi dan lain-lain.

Daftar Jurnal Terindeks Scopus

Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Scopus

Berikut kami paparkan dalam bentuk tabel daftar jurnal internasional terindeks scopus:

NoNama JurnalPublisherScopus
1International Journal of Engineering and  TechnologyEngg Journals PublicationsQ3,2015
2Asian Journal of Applied SciencesScience AlertQ3, 2015
3Asian Journal of Scientific ResearchScience AlertQ3,2015
4Journal of Software EngineeringScience AlertQ3,2015
5Asian Journal of Information TechnologyMedwell PubQ4, 2015
6Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesMedwell PubQ2, 2015
7International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering ApplicationMedwell PubQ3, 2015
8Research Journal of Applied SciencesMedwell PubQ4, 2015
9International Journal of Imaging and RoboticsCESER PublicationsQ3, Q4, 2015
10International Journal of Tomography & SimulationCESER PublicationsQ2, Q3, 2014
11International Journal of Applied Mathematics and StatisticsCESER PublicationsQ4, 2014
12International Journal of Artificial IntelligenceCESER PublicationsQ2, 2015
13International Journal of Mobile CommunicationsInderscience Enterprises LtdQ1, 2015
14International Journal of Electronic HealthcareInderscience Enterprises LtdQ4, 2015
15International Journal of Computer Applications in TechnologyInderscience Enterprises LtdQ2, Q3, 2015
16International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and TechnologyInderscience Enterprises Ltd Q4, 2015
17International Journal of Wireless and Mobile ComputingInderscience Enterprises Ltd Q3, 2015
18International Journal of Computational Science and EngineeringInderscience Enterprises LtdQ4, Q3, 2015
19International Journal of Medical Engineering and InformaticsInderscience Enterprises LtdQ3, Q4, 2014
20International Journal of Web Engineering and TechnologyInderscience Enterprises LtdQ4, 2015
21Advances in Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of SuceavaQ2, Q3  2015
22International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchResearch India PublicationsQ4, 2015
23International Journal of Online EngineeringKassel University Press GmbHQ2, 2015
24TelkomnikaIAESQ3, 2015
25International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive SystemsIAESQ3, 2015
26International Journal on Electrical Engineering and InformaticsThe School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi BandungQ3, 2015
27Journal of Engineering and Technological SciencesInstitut Teknologi BandungQ4, 2015
28International Journal of TechnologyFaculty of Engineering Universitas IndonesiaQ4, 2015
29Journal of Computer ScienceScience PublicationQ3, 2015
30American Journal of Applied SciencesScience PublicationQ2, 2015
31ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesarpnjournals.comQ3, 2015
32Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyLittle Lion Scientific Islamabad Pakistan.Q3,Q4, 2015
33IAENG International Journal of Computer ScienceInternational Association of EngineersQ2, 2015
34Journal of Medical and Biological EngineeringNational Cheng Kung University, TaiwanQ2,Q3, 2015
35IET BiometricsThe Institution of Engineering and Technology.Q1,Q2, 2015
36IET Electrical Systems in TransportationThe Institution of Engineering and Technology.Q1, 2015
37International Journal of Control and AutomationScience And Engineering Research Support SocietyQ4, 2015
38International Journal of Smart HomeScience And Engineering Research Support SocietyQ3, 2015
39International Journal of Security and Its ApplicationsScience And Engineering Research Support SocietyQ3, 2015
40International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous EngineeringScience And Engineering Research Support SocietyQ3, 2015
41International Journal of Software Engineering and Its ApplicationsScience And Engineering Research Support SocietyQ3, 2015
42International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-TechnologyScience And Engineering Research Support SocietyQ3, Q4 2015
43Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and ChemistryDovepressQ2, Q3 2015
44International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC)IGI Global publishingQ4, 2015
45International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI)IGI Global publishingQ4,Q5 2015
46International Journal of Ambient Computing and IntelligenceIGI Global publishingQ4, 2015
47International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication SystemsIGI Global publishingQ4, 2015
48International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP)IGI Global publishingQ4, 2015
49International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia CommunicationsIGI Global publishingQ4, 2015
50International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems ApproachIGI Global publishingQ4, 2015
53International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS)Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST), PakistanQ2, Q3 2015
52Journal of Medical Imaging and Health InformaticsAmerican Scientific PublishersQ4 2015
53Advanced Science LettersAmerican Scientific PublishersQ3, Q4 2015
54Journal of Information and Communication TechnologyUniversiti Utara Malaysia PressQ3, Q4 2015
55Internetworking Indonesia JournalInternetworking Indonesia.orgQ4, 2015
56Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and TechnologyMaxwell Scientific OrganizationQ4, 2015
57Journal of Convergence Information TechnologyAdvanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research CenteQ4 2015
58Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image AnalysisCentre de Visio per ComputadorQ4, 2015
59Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological EngineeringJapan Soc. of Med. Electronics and Biol. EngineeringQ4 2015
60JESTEC (Journal of Engineering Science and Technology)Taylor’s University, MalaysiaQ3 2015
61Journal of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEditura Universiti din Oradea, RomaniaQ3 2015
62Journal of Applied SciencesAsian Network for Scientific InformationQ3 2015
63Information Technology JournalAsian Network for Scientific InformationQ4 2015
64Journal of Artificial IntelligenceAsian Network for Scientific InformationQ4 2015


Mungkin itu saja yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai daftar jurnal internasional yang terindeks Scopus. Semoga informasi tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.


Mencari jurnal terindeks Scopus dimana?

Perlu anda ketahui bahwa saat ini anda bisa melakukan 2 buah cara untuk mencari jurnal yang terindeks di scopus. Bisa menggunakan situs Scimago JR atau bisa langsung mengeceknya di situs resmi scopus.

Cara Cek jurnal terindeks apa?

Berikut cara melihat jurnal yang terindeks Scopus: Buka dan kunjungi situs resmi Scopus https://www.scopus.com/home.uri. Klik “Sumber” di pojok kanan atas. Masukkan nama jurnal pada kolom “Enter Title” dan tekan Enter atau klik “Find Source“